Saturday, August 1, 2009

i had this dream where i was a a nazi controlling bitch in an aquarium
i woke up and think it might be backwards symbolism for just how ruined i've let things get
but reverse psychology does not work in sleep or consciousness
the dogs need food and i havent checked my voicemail yet
..i hope i remembered to take anything viscose out of the wash before i threw it into the dryer, i simply cannot have another armful of shrunken shirts

i burnt the coffee again, i am giving up the french press for a while.


jady said...

i had a worse dream

doe said...

i've had worse, but my mind knows well enough to forget before i wake.

jady said...

im completely fucked...i swar i dont wanna live aymor

i saw your sister on the street the other day...come visit her soon